Dyes from Tromsø, Norway (2015-2016)
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Leaves of Angelica sylvestris
Wild Angelica
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Stems of Angelica sylvestris
Wild Angelica
Leaves of Anthriscus sylvestris
Cow Parsley
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Leaves of Athyrium filix-femina
Lady Fern
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Stems of Athyrium filix-femina
Lady Fern
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Seeds of Barbarea stricta
Small-Flowered Wintercress
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Stems of Barbarea stricta
Small-Flowered Wintercress
Flowers of Barbarea vulgaris
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Stems of Barbarea vulgaris
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V
Leaves of Betula pubescens
Downy Birch
C Al Al+Fe Am Cm Cu Fe S U V